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Blue Skies

About Berry Adventurous

Berry adventurous is a micro business, it's basically just me with support from the other half and a few lovely friends on the run up to Christmas!

 Before the delights of lockdown 2020, I was a beautician. The thing I enjoyed most though, was making my own products to use in my treatments. I would make customised  facial oils, masks, hand butters, foot butters, massage bars and balms and my super popular lip balms!

In December 2020 following maternity leave, I didn't have as much time to make my lovely lip balms... So, I created these kits to make your own lip balms, which lead to my aromatherapy candle making kit. These kits are so popular, I am growing Berry Adventurous and making a variety of fun candle making kits and other crafty kits including my super popular wire ring making kit. 

I find it really fun to create these little crafty kits and I'm loving sharing the fun!

I now find myself constantly looking for more fun things to make and look forward to sharing them too!

I do a lot of research to create fun, eco friendly kits that are great value for money.

I buy in bulk where I can to get the best value and pass those discounts on to you!

Oh, and if you haven't noticed, I LOVE PURPLE!  I hope you enjoy all the fun things :)

From Debs at Berry Adventurous... Eco-friendly Crafty fun!

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